Achievements in reporting period: * List of activities organised during reporting period Task 1: Low frequency MMICs designs on IAF standard production runs with 100nm and 50 nm technology (see june report). Dicing and testing of chips almost finished. Will soon be distributed to the other Task 1 groups to be tested (IAF). First cryo tests on newly built noise prober of packaged LNAs using low-frequency MMICs from IFA's 100 nm production line (at MPIfR, IRAM and OAN). A study of waveguide orthomode transducers (OTM) was made and a design suitable for FPAs selected (INAF-Cagliari). So far actual work follows pretty well Task-1's workplan, but see below. Task 2: design of a mask for junction fabrication (IRAM) and technical drawings of DSB mixer block. Task 3: At SRON: test of possibility to manufacture the compact 2SB mixer block (to be "mass produced" for use in large FPAs for operation at RF~700 GHz) using CNC technology. Most standard components have been ordered. 90% have arrived. Task 4: Work on HEB mixers and THz QCL local oscillators is going on at SRON. Study of the effect of quantum noise on HEB mixers was made both experimentally and theoretically between 1.6 THz and 5.3 THz. Phase locking of QCL with microwave signal as reference achieved. Simulation of RF components (RF filter, waveguide to microstrip transition, quadrature hybrid waveguide coupler) is being made for 1.6-2.0 THz applications (GARD-Chalmers). At ObsPM, first heterodyne tests (including IF) of individual 600 GHz HEB were made in the laboratory together with comparative tests of 600 GHz Moscow made. Further simulation of antennas, in particular attempts to simulate beam patterns,were made (ObsPM). One person contracted at OAN. * Meetings attended – both meetings for NA organisation or meetings on behalf of RadioNet: 1st Engeneering Forum Workshop (23-24 June 2009, Gothenburgh, Sweden). Presentations by engineers from Task 1 (MPIfR, IAF, IRAM, OAN). Problems / Issues * Issues - organisational, administrative or other problems foreseen late arrival of EC funding has following implications: Task 1: so far delay in funding had no direct impact on the work, but the start of runs dedicated to cryogenic devices will not be possible at IAF without EC money. Task 3: SRON delayed the hiring of a person. That has somewhat slowed down the work on the compact 700 GHz 2SB mixer at SRON. Work on photonic localoscillator has not yet started at SFTC-RAL. At ObsPM, the hiring of a postdoc on a 1 year contract is pending. * Red flags - major problems No major problem so far. Forward Look * Plan for next year – 12 month outlook, more detail in first 6 month (including budget for each planned meeting/workshop) Task 2: SIS junction fabrication and DSB mixer fabrication. Tech drawing and fabrication of 2SB mixer block. DSB and 2SB mixer tests. Task 4: Study of the far field beam patteren of a HEB mixer at THz frequency. Study of fabrication process. * Expected milestones/deliverables