Achievements in Q2 2009

In this reporting period we started to collect work-plans for the individual tasks. These fact-sheets contain very brief objectives for every task, use cases or research plans. Minor milestones are defined for project management and monitoring purposes and the roles of various collaborations are defined. These documents are collected on the ALBiUS DoW and the resulting overall project plan is maintained there too.

At few partners (JIVE only at the moment) actual work has started. But all partners have been involved in defining the individual tasks.

A business meeting was held in Garching 16/17 June and contributions and minutes can be found on the wiki. Although not all partners were physically present it was a fruitful meeting for hammering out the ALBiUS workplan.

Problems / Issues

One issue that has been identified is that NRAO is unable to allocate resources for the evaluation of fringe-fitting, while they remain interested in the implementation tasks. A possible solution has been identified in South-Africa, but it is unclear whether this can be implemented.

The Cambridge partner indicated that they will have a problem providing the contracted matching to the project if their STFC project, which was favorably reviewed earlier, will not be funded. This may hold for more partners.

Some partners have problems with implementing a tight hour administration.

Forward Look

According to the detailed schedule work is planning to start in more places during and after the summer. We refer to the Gantt chart on the ALBiUS wiki for this.

No formal milestones are planned for the upcoming 6 months, although internal milestones are coming up and the first has in fact been passed.

No equipment purchases have taken place.

For the last two bullets we are waiting input from our partners