**Achievements in reporting period:** During the reporting period (January-September 2009), the first LOFAR stations were constructed and commissioning observations have been taking place with the available hardware. While interferometric fringes have been detected between five LOFAR stations in the Netherlands and Effelsberg in Germany, it is expected that up to half of the planned LOFAR stations will be operational by the end of 2009. **Forward Look** * Plan for next year – 12 month outlook, more detail in first 6 month (including budget) The building and commissioning period will be continued throughout 2009 and the first months of 2010. Proposals for commissioning projects are expected for the deadline of September 30, 2009. Some of these projects are expected to be applicable for TNA funding and they will be observed in the period between the end of 2009 throughout 2010, depending on the availability of the observing resources requested and the commissioning plan drawn by the LOFAR Astronomical Development team.