Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 10:07:38 +0200 Here is the report for ASTRON's contribution within ALBiUS. Person month spent In all of 2009 ASTRON spent 2,11 person months (please note that the previous reporting had numbers up to November 29th) In Q1 2010 ASTRON spent approximately 1,36 person months Achievements 2010Q1 The work on task 6.2.5 (Distributed imaging) is continuing. An initial version for facet based correction was implemented. The work on task 6.3.3 (Source parameterization) has started. Meetings attended 2010Q1 None. Problems / issues The work on task 6.3.2 (Data inspection) has not yet started. Forward look Continuation of the work in the different workpackages.