Achievements in reporting period:

Board Meeting end of March
YENAM stand
Bi-weekly RadioNet management team meetings

New website was launched together with a new Wiki, the whole RadioNet is strongly encouraged to use the event calendar at the RadioNet website to announce meetings, workshops and all other major milestones. Most action items of the Board Meeting have been resolved, including the reshuffling of the NA and TNA travel budgets.

UniBoard KickOff attended by André van Es Project Manager
ALBiUS KikcOff attended by André van Es Project Manager
RadioNet Executive Committee meeting telecon RadioNet Board Meeting Hotel A4 Schiphol
Visit JENAM by Corina Vogt, Project Scientist. With RadioNet poster and stand
I3 Net meeting in Frankfurt attended by André van Es Project Manager
Visit to Brussels to deal with remaining RadioNet issues by André van Es Project Manager

Problems / Issues

Grant Agreement has still not arrived

Problems may occur in the project if the pre-financing is delayed too much. Because some institutes cannot hire staff for JRA work until money is received.

Forward Look

pmonth spent until next/ planned till nxt reporting period

Participant spent to be spent
ASTRON 6 24.5
JIVE 3 6

* Expenditures - equipment, material and services