RadioNet Management

The RadioNet Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) is run by a management board, whose members comprise the Directors or representatives of all institutes involved in the I3. Members of the Board have authority to make decisions on behalf of their institutes.

The day-to-day management of RadioNet and its activities are led by the RadioNet Coordinator (Prof. Mike Garrett, ASTRON), supported by a RadioNet Management Team (RMT). The Coordinator is the contact person with the European Commission, the person through whom the EC contribution is paid and is responsible for administering the distribution of the financial contribution according to decisions taken by the RadioNet Board regarding its allocation to participants and activities.

The Board elects a Chairman who will serve for a period of two years. The Board also elects a smaller Executive Committee (5-6 members) from its membership which will be delegated responsibility to work more closely with the Coordinator and to oversee the day-to-day implementation of the RadioNet programme. Strategic decisions are, however, referred to and taken by the Board


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