Achievements in reporting period:

  • Quantity of access provided
101.8 hours (period 2009 Jan 01 to Dec 14)

Access hours at JCMT are dependent upon whether an 
observer travels to Hawaii to observe. In such cases 
Access Hours equal the hours approved by the TAG/ITAC
In the table below the Access hours are those applicable 
to the reporting period only. They are given as integers 
when an observer has travelled . . .
Project   Access hours   Dates obs,erv,ed / sche-duled  
-------   ------------  -----------------------------
m07bu35 *     10.5      Jan 03,04,13 
m08bi02 *     10.0      Jan 23,27,30  Mar 13,14
m08bn09        8.0      Jan 08, Mar 27, May 05
m09ai03       36        Mar 06-11
m09au01       12        Mar 06-11
m09bi02       15        Oct 30 - Nov 01
m09bi03       10.3      Oct 30, Nov 01,02,29,30, Dec07,09,10
   Total     101.8
  • Number of projects completed during the reporting period
2 - those marked with an asterisk above.
The completion rates for the other programs are
85%, 60%, 33%, 90%, 85%, resp..
  • Number of projects planned
There was one eligible project approved from amongst the
'regular' proposals received for observing in semester 10A,
and one more from amongst those received for the 'Shared-Risks' 
observing with SCUBA-2 during Dec/Jan/Feb 2009/2010.

* Estimated quantity of access in next 12 months

24 + 3 = 27 for the two proposals mentioned above, plus whatever
flexible observing we do for eligible, but incomplete programs
from previous semesters, plus some unknown amount for 10B:
SCUBA-2 should be available to the communities then, and 
we would expect heightened demand.

Problems / Issues

  • Issues - organisational, administrative or other problems foreseen
  • Red flags - major problems

Forward Look

  • Plan for next year – 12 month outlook, more detail in first 6 month (including budget)
no data

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