ALMA-UK: ALMA UK: ERIS first announcement

We are pleased to announce that the Sixth European Radio Interferometry School (ERIS2015) will be held at ESO, Garching, Germany from September 6th - 10th, 2015.

ERIS will provide 5 days of lectures and tutorials on how to obtain scientific results from radio interferometry at metre to sub-millimetre wavelengths. It is the sixth in a series of schools sponsored by RadioNet3.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Fundamentals of radio interferometry
  • Calibration of continuum, spectral-line and polarization data
  • Imaging, deconvolution and self-calibration
  • Interferometry at metre (LOFAR), cm (Jansky VLA, eMERLIN) and mm (ALMA, NOEMA) wave-lengths; Very Long Baseline Interferometry (EVN)
  • Extracting information from images and data cubes; interpreting the results
  • Choosing the most effective array(s) for your project and writing proposals


Participants will be expected to bring their own laptops with the most commonly used data-reduction packages, CASA and AIPS, installed. Datasets from a range of arrays including ALMA, eMERLIN, Jansky VLA, EVN and LOFAR will be provided for use in the tutorials.

The school will start at 0850 on Sunday September 6th and end on Thursday September 10th during the afternoon (this is to allow participants to travel to the IRAM Single Dish School, which starts on September
11th). The registration deadline is July 15th 2015. Details of the school, including a registration link, can be found at

The registration fee will be 180 EURO. This covers: accommodation for 5 nights; all lunches and refreshments during the school; two buffet dinners at ESO and a weekly ticket for the U-Bahn (subway). We expect
to be able to accommodate up to about 80 participants. If you have any questions, please contact us at eris2015 [at] eso [dot] org.

LOC: Robert Laing (ESO, Chair), Elena Zuffanelli (ESO), Andy Biggs (ESO), Dirk Petry (ESO), Anita R
ichards (JBCA, Manchester).

SOC: Robert Laing (ESO; Chair), Anita Richards (JBCA, University of Manchester), Tiziana Venturi (
INAF-IRA, Bologna), Liz Humphreys (ESO), Andy Biggs (ESO), Vincent Pie ́tu (IRAM, Grenoble), Wouter

Vlemmings (OSO/Chalmers University), Katherine Johnston (University of Leeds), Roberto Pizzo (ASTRON), John McKean (ASTRON), Bob Campbell (JIVE).

The school is generously supported by RadioNet3 and ESO.

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