Events archive

Title Event starts Event ends Description Information
RadioNet FP7 Kick-off Board meeting 30/03/2009 - 12:00 31/03/2009 - 17:00

RadioNet FP7 Kick-off and Board meeting will take place in Hotel Schiphol A4, the Netherlands


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EVN TOG 17/04/2009 (All day) 17/04/2009 (All day) EVN TOG in Torun (Poland) Read more
JENAM 20/04/2009 (All day) 23/04/2009 (All day) Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting, Hertfordshire, UK Read more
Tutorial on CASA 11/05/2009 (All day) 13/05/2009 (All day) Tutorial on CASA, Garching (Germany) Read more
Workshop "Panoramic Radio Astronomy" 02/06/2009 (All day) 05/06/2009 (All day) Workshop "Panoramic Radio Astronomy", Groningen (the Netherlands) Read more
LOFAR surveys meeting 17/06/2009 (All day) 19/06/2009 (All day) 17th - 19th June 2009, Edinburgh, UK Read more
Engineering workshop 23/06/2009 (All day) 24/06/2009 (All day) Engineering workshop, Gothenburg (Sweden) Read more
YERAC 2009 29/07/2009 (All day) 31/07/2009 (All day) Young European Radio Astronomer's Conference, Porto (Portugal) Read more
IAU 03/08/2009 (All day) 14/08/2009 (All day) IAU XXVII general assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Read more
IRAM school 04/09/2009 (All day) 11/09/2009 (All day) IRAM single dish school, Pradollano (Sierra Nevada, Spain) Read more
ERIS 07/09/2009 (All day) 11/09/2009 (All day) European Radio Interferometry School, Oxford (UK) Read more
30-50 GHZ Science Workshop, Manchester 14/09/2009 (All day) 15/09/2009 - 14:00 30-50 GHz Science Workshop, Manchester (UK) Read more
ALMA workshop, Koln 05/10/2009 (All day) 07/10/2009 (All day) ALMA workshop "From data cubes to science", Koln (DE) Read more
Tutorial on CASA, Bonn (DE) 05/10/2009 (All day) 07/10/2009 (All day) Tutorial on CASA, Bonn (DE) Read more
EPTA meeting, Besancon (FR) 19/10/2009 - 14:10 23/10/2009 - 14:10 EPTA meeting, Besancon (FR) Read more
2nd Engineering Forum Workshop 16/11/2009 (All day) 17/11/2009 (All day)

2nd Engineering Forum Workshop (Bonn / Germany)

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.Astronomy 2009, Leiden 30/11/2009 (All day) 04/12/2009 (All day) The second .Astronomy conference runs from November 30th to December 4th in the Lorentz Centre in Leiden. 50 participants from around the world will be taking part in a week-long conference exploring the connections betwen astronomy and the Internet. Read more
The Origins of Galaxies: Lessons from the Distant Universe 12/12/2009 (All day) 17/12/2009 (All day)

The aim of this conference is to bring together many of the European astronomers that have been planning these observations and those that have been improving and extending their galaxy formation models to include sub-mm and far-IR predictions at high redshift.

Location: Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Ötz Valley, near Innsbruck, Austria

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Astrochemistry at High Resolution 07/01/2010 (All day) 08/01/2010 (All day) ASTROCHEMISTRY AT HIGH RESOLUTION

A meeting of the Astrophysical Chemistry Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Royal Astronomical Society

7-8 January 2010,  Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester
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Science with LOFAR surveys 08/03/2010 (All day) 12/03/2010 (All day)

Surveying the low frequency sky with LOFAR, from 8 Mar 2010 through 12 Mar 2010 in the Lorenz Cente, Leiden (the Netherlands).

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SKA2010 - International SKA Science and Engineering Meeting 22/03/2010 (All day) 25/03/2010 (All day) The international SKA project will hold a science and engineering meeting from 22-25 March 2010 at the headquarters of the SKA Program Development Office, at the University of Manchester, UK. This meeting is intended to be in the spirit of previous SKA science and engineering meetings, which were influential in shaping the direction of the SKA. However, now that the SKA has entered the system design phase, this meeting will have a greater focus on system and engineering decisions, and their impact on the scientific observations to be conducted by the SKA. Read more
Galactic Science with early ALMA and CASA tutorial 29/03/2010 (All day) 01/04/2010 (All day) The first meeting will look at ALMA's potential for research into star formation, stellar evolution, astrochemistry, the Galactic centre and other phemomena of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies.  We invite talks on recent progress leading to questions which can be addressed using ALMA observations, including Early Science with a subset of array capabilities.

Followed by a two-day workshop providing a hands-on introduction to the CASA data reduction package, which will be used for ALMA and other radio interferometry data.
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Workshop "Steady Jets and Transient Jets" 07/04/2010 (All day) 08/04/2010 (All day)

Steady Jets and Transient Jets, Characteristics and Relationship

Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Bonn, Germany
7 -  8 April 2010

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Workshop "Astronomy in Megastructures", Crete (GR) 10/05/2010 (All day) 14/05/2010 (All day) A new era is dawning in Astronomy with the advent of extremely sensitive new facilities to probe the universe across the electromagnetic spectrum. We plan to bring together the radio and optical communities for a workshop in Crete in May 2010. The workshop will be aimed at developing linked science cases for the giant, next generation telescopes including the E-ELT and SKA and other key ground- and space-based facilities. Read more
Nordic-Baltic Millimetre and Optical/NIR Astronomy Summer School 14/06/2010 (All day) 23/06/2010 (All day) A second Nordic-Baltic Summer School, focusing on Millimetre and Optical/NIR Astronomy, will be held in Goteborg/Onsala, from Monday June 14th to Wednesday June 23rd 2010, and will focus on "Extragalactic astronomy in the ALMA era" Read more
Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae V Conference, 20/06/2010 (All day) 25/06/2010 (All day)

Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae V

Lake District
United Kingdom
20-25 June 2010
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FERMI meets JANSKY - AGN in radio and gamma-rays 21/06/2010 (All day) 23/06/2010 (All day) We are pleased to announce a scientific workshop FERMI MEETS JANSKY - AGN IN RADIO AND GAMMA-RAYS which will be held at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany on June 21-23, 2010 Read more
Multi-wavelength Astronomy School, Amsterdam 28/06/2010 (All day) 09/07/2010 (All day) The 2nd Summer School on Multiwavelength Astronomy will take place in 28 June - 9 July 2010 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and be organized by the University of Amsterdam Read more
YERAC 2010 05/07/2010 (All day) 08/07/2010 (All day)

The 40o Young European Radio Astronomers Conference will take place in Alcala de Henares (Spain) on July 5 - 8 2010.
One of the conference sessions will take place at the Yebes Observatory.

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Molecules in Galaxies 26/07/2010 (All day) 30/07/2010 (All day)

The conference "Molecules in Galaxies", to be held in Oxford, UK, 26-30 July 2010, will tackle many of the contemporary questions surrounding the molecular gas content of galaxies. In particular, it will allow to review the state of the field as the Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Array (ALMA) starts operation, and thus carefully plan its exploitation.

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JENAM 2010 06/09/2010 (All day) 10/09/2010 (All day) JENAM 2010 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal during the week of Sep 6-10 2010. It will be the 18th Annual Meeting of the European Astronomical Society and the 20th Annual Portuguese Meeting of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Read more
10th European VLBI Network Symposium and the EVN Users Meeting 20/09/2010 (All day) 24/09/2010 (All day) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and the University of Manchester, on behalf of the European VLBI Consortium, will host the 10th European VLBI Network Symposium and the EVN Users Meeting from September 20th - 24th, 2010, entitled "VLBI and the new generation of radio arrays". The Symposium will be held at the University of Manchester, UK. Read more
CESRA summer school 20/09/2010 (All day) 24/09/2010 (All day) CESRA, the Community of European Solar Radio Astronomers, organises a summer school on solar radio physics and its role in the investigation of the solar atmosphere and its relations with the Heliosphere at the Nancay Radio Observatory (France), on 20‑24 September 2010 Read more
Single dish summer school 27/09/2010 (All day) 01/10/2010 (All day)

A single dish summer school will be held between September 27 - October 1 2010 in Bonn and Effelsberg.

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7th IRAM mm‑interferometry school 04/10/2010 (All day) 08/10/2010 (All day) IRAM will organize this year its 7th millimeter-interferometry school. These schools are organized every two years since 1998. The 7th school will take place at the IRAM headquarters (Grenoble, France) on October 4 - 8th, 2010. It is intended for PhD students, post-docs and scientists who want to acquire a good knowledge of interferometry and data reduction techniques at millimeter wavelengths. Read more
Workshop "Colliding galaxy clusters and non-thermal phenomena" 14/11/2010 (All day) 18/11/2010 (All day) The workshop "Colliding galaxy clusters and non-thermal phenomena" (NtGC 2010) will be organized in Nice (France). Read more
RadioNet Outreach Workshop 17/11/2010 (All day) 19/11/2010 (All day) First RadioNet Outreach Workshop, 17-19 November, Bologna (Italy) Read more
"Observing with ALMA: Early Science" workshop 29/11/2010 (All day) 01/12/2010 (All day) The IRAM node of the European ALMA Regional Center will organize a practical workshop on how to plan and analyze ALMA Early Science observations.
ALMA is currently in construction and should start full operations in 2013. However, already in 2011, ALMA will be operated with a limited number of antennas (16) and capacities (e.g. baselines < 1.5 km). The first Call for Proposals for this “ALMA Early Science” phase could be issued as early as the end of 2010, with a deadline in the first semester of 2011. To help the IRAM community to prepare this important milestone, the IRAM ARC node will be organizing a 3-days workshop on November 29th—December 1st 2010 at the institute’s headquarters (Grenoble, France).
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Workshop "Probing the radio cont Universe with SKA pathfinders" 21/02/2011 (All day) 25/02/2011 (All day) Workshop "Probing the radio cont Universe with SKA pathfinders", 21-25 February 2011, Leiden (the Netherlands) Read more
ALMA community days 06/04/2011 (All day) 07/04/2011 (All day) ALMA community days, 6-7 April 2011, Garching (Germany) Read more
EPTA meeting 27/04/2011 (All day) 29/04/2011 (All day) EPTA meeting, 27-29 April 2011, Amsterdam (the Netherlands) Read more
LOFAR-EoR Conference 23/05/2011 (All day) 27/05/2011 (All day) LOFAR-EoR Conference, 23-27 May 2011, Zadar (Croatia) Read more
JENAM 2011 04/07/2011 (All day) 08/07/2011 (All day) JENAM is the Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting organized each year in one of the European countries jointly by the European Astronomical Society and the respective national astronomical society. JENAM 2011 will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia, during the week of July 4-8, 2011. Read more
YERAC 2011 18/07/2011 (All day) 20/07/2011 (All day) The Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and the University of Manchester will host the 41st Young European Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC), which will take place 18-20 July, 2011. Read more
Conference "The central kpc in galactic nuclei" 29/08/2011 (All day) 02/09/2011 (All day) Conference "The central kpc in galactic nuclei", 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2011, Köln (Germany) Read more
ERIS 2011 05/09/2011 (All day) 09/09/2011 (All day) 2011 European Radio Interferometry School, 5-9 September 2011 Read more
EPTA meeting 14/09/2011 (All day) 17/09/2011 (All day) EPTA meeting, 14-17 September 2011, Ringberg (Germany) Read more
3 GC workshop 18/09/2011 (All day) 30/09/2011 (All day)

The subject of this workshop will be the modeling and measurement of station beamshapes, for new and existing radio telescopes. Important issues are stability, frequency dependence, polarization, sidelobes, and the pros and cons of sky rotation and off-axis feeds.

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MW2011 19/09/2011 (All day) 23/09/2011 (All day) By spring 2011 the major Galactic photometric surveys with Herschel will be completed, with high-quality data products starting to enter the public domain, allowing for the first time a high spatial resolution panoramic view of the Milky Way Galaxy over more than three decades in wavelength from the near infrared to the microwaves regime. The synergy with large-scale Galactic spectroscopic surveys of the atomic, molecular and ionised interstellar medium offers the unprecedented potential to paint a Galaxy-scale picture of the entire birth sequence of stars from the diffuse interstellar medium to the arrival of the forming stars on the Zero-Age Main Sequence.


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IRAM 30mm summer school 26/09/2011 (All day) 30/09/2011 (All day) IRAM 30mm Summer School, 26-30 September 2011 Read more
COST ACTION MP0905 02/11/2011 (All day) 04/11/2011 (All day) Our COST Action has the main goal to further the understanding of the general phenomenon of Black Holes by bringing together Black Hole scientists from all mass-ranges and all over Europe. Invited experts will review the research with regards to Black Holes in Orbit - e.g., supermassive binary black holes, double pulsars. The WGs will have time to discuss recent progress in their fields Read more
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